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1. Ordóñez-Mora EG, Alvarez-Berastegui R, Ordóñez-Rubiano EG. An Inferior Vermian Vein Aneurysm in a Patient With a Posterior Fossa Arteriovenous Malformation. Neurocien Colom 2014; 21 (2): 114-119

2. Heit J, Gonzalez RG, Sabbag DJ, Brouwers HB, Ordonez-Rubiano EG, Schaefer P, Hirsch JA, Romero JM. Detection and Characterization of Intracranial Aneurysms: a 10-year Multidetector CT Angiography Experience in a Large Center. J NeuroIntervent Surg 2015; 0: 1–5

3. Velasco A, Rodríguez J, Ordonez-Rubiano EG, Prieto S, Correa C, Forero G, Mendez L, Bernal H, Valero L, Hoyos N. Introduction of fractal geometry in neurosurgery and its possible applications. Neurocien Colom 2015; 22 (2): 171-175. Article in spanish.

4. Toro J, Cuellar-Giraldo D, Duque A, Minota K, Patiño J, Quintero L, García M, Ordóñez-Rubiano EG. Seronegative paraneoplastic limbic encephalitis associated with thymoma. Submitted to Acta Neuropsychiatrica.

5. Velasco A, Rodríguez J, Ordonez-Rubiano EG, Prieto S, Correa C, Forero G, Mendez L, Bernal H, Valero L, Hoyos N. Fractal Characterization of Normal Cerebral  Ventricles in a T2-Weighted Sequence of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. To be submitted to the American Journal of Neuroradiology.

6. Marín-Muñoz JH, Echeverri-Gómez JA, Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, et al. Diagnosis of Brain Death: Use of Computed Tomography Angiography as a Non-invasive Diagnostic Tool Available to Everyone. Rev. Colomb. Radiol. 2016; 27 (3): 4492-7. (Article in spanish)

7. Ordónez-rubiano EG, Von-diemling C, Cortes-lozano W, et al. (August 31, 2016) Stent-assisted Embolization of a Giant Aneurysm of the Middle Cerebral Artery Using Small and Large Coils (Penumbra Coil 400). Cureus 8 (8): e762. DOI 10.7759 / cureus.762. 000000000762.pdf

8. Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Baquero PE, Cifuentes-Lobelo HA, et al. Cerebral Ventricular System Embriology. Rev. Chil. Neurosurgery 42: 156-159, 2016. (Article in Spanish)ñez-Rubiano.pdf

9. Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Rivera-Osorio L, Ordóñez-Mora EG. Trans-orbital intracranial penetrating trauma: Relevant anatomy, trauma dynamics and treatment key points. Rev. Chil. Neurosurgery 42: 151-155, 2016 (Article in Spanish)ñez-Rubiano.pdf

10. Marin JH, Ordonez-Rubiano EG, Mauricio Castillo. Disseminated Hemangioblastomatosis. E-pub in the American Journal of Neuroradiology. Case of the week. Interactive e-pub.

11. Apolinar García D, Zubieta C, Gil N, Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Penagos PJ. Foramen Magnum Meningiomas: Resection with Reduced Lateral Suboccipital Approach. Neurocien Colom 2016; 23 (4): 403-415. Article in spanish.

All content on this page is for exclusive academic use, not reproducible and to facilitate the academic activities of our service. We reserve any copyright on the articles and files that have been uploaded to this page. Access to these files is under restriction, for entry with an exclusive password provided to residents and neurosurgeons of the service.

Presentation of Works in Congresses

1. Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Lobelo-García NO, Cifuentes-Lobelo HA, Cortés-Lozano W, Briceño JF, Tellez AF. Stent-assisted Embolization of a Giant Aneurysm of the Middle Cerebral Artery Using Small and Large Coils (Penumbra Coil 400). E-poster presented in the XXVI National Colombian Neurosurgical Meeting - Barranquilla, Colombia. Jul 17-19 / 2014.

2. Lobelo-Garcia N, Ordonez-Rubiano EG, Valdes-Sanabria JF, Rodriguez-Vargas S. Latin American Experience with Flow Diverters for Management for Complex Intracranial Aneurysms in a Single Center - Submitted: 3/16/2015 - Poster presented at the International Neurosurgical Forum in the 2015 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, September 26-30 in New Orleans, LA.

3. Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Rodríguez-Vargas S, Ospina-Osorio J, Patiño JG, Zorro- Guío OF, Sánchez DM. Stereotactic Frame-based Brain Biopsies: Diagnostic yield and Complications in a Single Center in Latin-America. E-poster presented at the 15th WFNS Interim Meeting, Rome 8th to 12th September 2015.

4. Valdes-Sanabria JF, Marin JH, Cortes-Lozano W, Lobelo-Garcia N, Ordonez- Rubiano EG, Rodriguez-Vargas S. Novel Imaging Approach of Intracranial Hypertension: remarkable findings in the MRI Susceptibility Weighted Imaging (SWI) Sequence. E-poster presented at the 15th WFNS Interim Meeting, Rome 8th to 12th September 2015.

5. Ordonez-Rubiano EG, Von-Deimling C, Lobelo-Garcia NO, Cortes-Lozano W. Stent-assisted Embolization of a Giant Aneurysm of the Middle Cerebral Artery Using Penumbra Coil 400. E-poster presented at the 15th WFNS Interim Meeting , Rome 8th to 12th September 2015.

6. Toro J, García M, Cuellar D, Ordonez-Rubiano EG. Paraneoplastic syndromes, cognitive deficit and abnormal movements: Presentation of 2 cases. Poster presented at the XII Colombian meeting of Neurology, Cali, Colombia. February 25th to 28th 2016.

7. Ordonez-Rubiano EG, Marín-Muñoz JH, Rivera-Osorio L. Evaluation of Physics and Imaging of DTI-Tractography of The Reticular Activating System in a Patient after TBI. E-poster presented at the 84th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, Illinois April 30th to May 4th 2016.

8. Ordonez-Rubiano EG, Marín-Muñoz JH, Ordonez-Mora EG, Rivera-Osorio L, Cifuentes-Lobelo HA. Introduction of DTI-Tractography for Neuronavigation-Guided Resection of Eloquent Area Tumors in a Center in Latin-America. E-poster presented at

the 84th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, Illinois April 30th to May 4th 2016.

9. Ordóñez Rubiano EG, Marín Muñoz J, Enciso C. Pilot Study for reconstruction of the Ascending Reticular Activating System with DTI Tractography. Oral presentation. 41st Colombian Meeting of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology. Aug 4-6, 2016. Cartagena de Indias, Colombia.

10. Ordóñez Rubiano EG, Berger MS, Marín Muñoz J, et al. Subcortical Brain Mapping with Tractography for Tumors in Language Areas. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of Neurosurgery Residents in Colombia. Nov 24-27 of 2016. Villavicencio, Colombia.

11. Ordóñez Rubiano EG, Marín-Muñoz JH, Enciso E, et al. Applications of Tractography in Patients with Impaired Consciousness after TBI. Oral presentation. International Conference on Recent Advances in Neurotraumatology ICRAN 2016. Dec 9-11, 2016. Bogota, Colombia.

12. Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Marin-Munoz JH, Hernandez JF, Berger MS, Angulo- Pabon DA, Ordonez-Mora EG. Protocol for Preoperative Subcortical Mapping for Tumors in Language Areas with DTI Fiber Tracking. E-poster presented at the 54th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, Los Angeles, California April 22nd to April 26th 2017.

13. Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Marin-Munoz JH, Enciso E, Ordonez-Mora EG. Recovery of Consciousness after Brainstem Cavernous Malformation Hemorrrhage: Description of Preserved Ascending Reticular Activating System Fibers with Tractography. E- poster presented at the 54th AANS Annual Scientific Meeting, Los Angeles, California April 22nd to April 26th 2017.

14. Apolinar García D, Zubieta C, Gil N, Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Penagos PJ. Foramen Magnum Meningiomas: Resection with Reduced Lateral Suboccipital Approach. E- poster presented in the 2017 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, October 26-30 in Boston, Massachusetts.

15. Ordóñez-Rubiano EG, Marin-Munoz JH, Enciso E, Ordonez-Mora EG. Foramen Magnum Meningiomas: Resection with Reduced Lateral Suboccipital Approach. Poster presented in the 2017 Congress of Neurological Surgeons Annual Meeting, October 26-30 in Boston, Massachusetts. 

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San José University Children's Hospital

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